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Goal: $1,500,000
$879,716.46 Total Raised
58% Complete

Every $ = 2 Double your impact thanks to our generous matcher!

The Jack & Elizabeth Gellman Torah Foundation


Left to Double your impact!

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To view campaign video, click here

To view Building Brochure, click here


You can help Chabad raise 1.5 million to complete the new Chabad House of Orange County! Thanks to our matcher, each donation is DOUBLED!

--- Pledges may be paid in full or in installments ---

We are in the final construction phase of the $2.5 million-dollar new Chabad House.  Thanks to the extraordinary generosity and love of our partners, we have gotten this far. What’s left to raise is $1.5 million.  Thanks to our generous matcher, every dollar donated until the end of 2021 will be matched.  If we raise $750 thousand – we can reach the $1.5 million goal!

We are finally going to have a Chabad House where everything can be under one roof, with ample space to continue – as well as expand – our events and programs.

Partner with us to complete this building.  You can dedicate a room or a brick in honor or in memory of a loved one, while making a lasting legacy here in Orange County!   

Dedications ($1800 and above) will be acknowledged on Donor Dedication Wall.

Every donation is appreciated. Donations of all amounts are welcome and needed.

With excitement and gratitude,
Rabbi Pesach & Chana Burston, Directors

--To see Building Dedication Opportunities, click here

--To see the partners who have made this project possible thus far, click here


Methods of Giving:

  • Credit Card Option - Choose the "Credit Card" option and your donation will be processed and featured right away. Use this option if you want to pay by credit card and wish to make your payment in full.  (For installments, even via credit card, use “Pledge” option).
  • Pledge Option - Choose the "Pledge" option if you wish to pay via check, Zelle, PayPal or in installments (even with a credit card).   Your pledge amount will be featured in the campaign right away, but then please inform us ([email protected]; 845-782-2770) how you’d like to process your pledge and to set up an installment plan.   
  • Check - Mail check to: Chabad of Orange County, 94 Gilbert Street, Monroe, NY 10950. Please indicate “Capital Account” in your check memo.
  • Zelle and PayPal - both are registered with the email address: [email protected]
  • Other - To make a pledge over the phone or to discuss options, call us at 845-782-2770.
  • Teams - You can also create a "Team" to share with your contacts to help us reach our goal!

Please note: Chabad Centers are not funded by Chabad Headquarters; each center is fully responsible to raise its own funds.  Chabad of Orange County is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization and all contributions to it are tax deductible.  This campaign is exclusively for Chabad's Building Campaign, not annual operating budget. It's imperative that Building Campaign donations be over and beyond your much-needed contributions towards Chabad’s operating budget.  For donations to annual budget, please click here.

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Use this option to pay via check, Zelle, PayPal or in installment, even with a credit card.

Thank You!

Thanks to your gift, we're reaching our goal 2 times as fast!

You'll get an email confirmation in a moment. In the meantime, why not give your friends the chance to give? Remember, all donations today are being Doubled!

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