Yizkor Memorial Service & Resources Yom Kippur 2023
Chabad is offering three options:
1) Join our 30-minute Yizkor Memorial Service.
2) Guidance on how to do it yourself at home.
3) Chabad can recite Yizkor on your behalf.
Option 1 - 30-minute Yizkor Service
If you would like to join Yom Kippur Yizkor Memorial Service, click here.
Option 2 - Make Chabad your agent
We are volunteering to serve as your representative in offering the Yizkor prayer for your loved ones on your behalf on Yom Kippur.
Simply submit below the name and mother's name of your loved ones (provide Hebrew names if you have it). I will mention the name of each departed loved one for you.
Submit names until Sunday, September 25, 12:00 pm. (We will not be checking submissions after that time until after the holiday).
Donations are not required for this service, but greatly appreciated! You can make an optional donation below.
Option 3 - DIY
Alternatively (or additionally), you can recite Yizkor at home. Here is a step-by-step guide:
LIGHT a 24-hour Memorial Candle on Tuesday eve, before lighting candles at 6:15 pm. Important note: There is no blessing recited when you light the memorial candle, although it is certainly appropriate to reflect upon the memory of loved ones. The candle may be placed anywhere safe in the home. (If you need a memorial candle, let us know!)
RECITE, on Monday, September 25, Yom Kippur Day, the Yizkor Memorial Prayers. When it comes the time to mention the names it's best to use the Hebrew name and their mothers Hebrew name (if you have it).
KADDISH is not recited privately.
CHARITY - It's customary to pledge a donation to charity. This is so that the memory of a loved one is immediately followed by and connected to a good deed.
If you would like to make that pledge to Chabad of Orange County (which we'd gladly accept), please submit donation below.
May the souls of our loved ones achieve an aliya (spiritual elevation) in the heavens above, and may they prevail upon Hashem to bring blessings of health and prosperity to your family and friends.
With love and blessings for a Shanah Tovah and an easy and meaningful fast,
Rabbi Pesach
If you have any questions, please always feel free to ask me!