Register here for High Holiday Services.
All are welcome - services are free of charge. We do not charge for membership or require tickets. Donations and sponsorships are welcome and appreciated.
Suggested Donation for High Holidays is $500 per adult, $360 per child.
As we do not require synagogue membership, nor charge for tickets, we depend on your voluntary gifts to cover the considerable costs in making our services available to you. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. We also have various dedication and sponsorship opportunities. We invite you to be an integral part in making a sweet new year for the whole community with your financial support. To see list of sponsorship opportunities, please click here.
Most holiday meals and Kiddush are free of charge. Registration is required for all community meals. Most are included in the form below. Two require separate reservations:
-- To register for the Community Rosh Hashanah Dinner, click here
-- To register for the Feast Before the Fast, click here
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Our goal is to make everyone feel at home and at ease.
Shanah Tovah!
Rabbi Pesach & Chana Burston