Sing! Dance! Celebrate!

Sing and dance in celebration of the annual completion of the Torah reading.
Young and old become the legs of our holy Torah, enabling it to dance.

Friday, Oct. 13 (Shmini Atzeret)
6:00pm – Hakafot; dancing with the Torah.
Followed by Kiddush

Saturday Morning, Oct. 14
10:00am – Morning Program
11:00 – Yizkor Program

Saturday Evening, Oct. 14 (Simchat Torah Eve)
6:45pm – Simchat Torah Celebration:
Enjoy a lavish Kiddush, refreshments, and plenty of L’chaim as we dance with the Torah!
Flags and treats for kids!

Sunday, Oct. 15 (Simchat Torah Day)
10:00am – Morning Program
Followed by Hakafot and Kiddush (again!)

47 Highview Road, Monroe

Please call for reservations